Emerald Life’s leadership sought to improve the experience of their new clients by digitising their new-client sign-up process. Their objectives were to make onboarding more convenient to new clients and agents, and also to reduce the lead time of the onboarding process. They required a solution to two of their sign-up speedbumps, namely client identification and validation, and payment authorization.
Dreamsmiths designed a user-friendly and scalable interface, which allows Emerald Life agents to quickly and efficiently add new clients. The sign-up process was simplified to a 3-step process with a summary as an overview of the collected data. Identification and validation is now managed with the client’s identity number, and payment authorization has been greatly improved by a full digital authorization process that accommodates various payment methods. A profile page was developed for agents which displays their commission and their related sales managers. To further facilitate communication between agents, a digital rolodex for all agents on all levels and different districts is included to assist with lead sharing and reporting structure.
The application has assisted in streamlining the sales process between the call center and sales agents. Business statistics and reporting are improved as sales information is captured digitally. The application has improved the sales process of life insurance policies by automating the debiCheck requirement as stated by the Payments Association of South Africa. DebiChecks are new debit orders electronically confirmed by individuals with their banks on a once-off basis, relating to a new contract that individuals have signed with a company.